Features Voting

You need to register to suggest and vote for new features.

1 vote

Save builds on the server

Builds can be saved on the server and opened again without having to upload and download a json file.

Started Sven shared this idea

Let's shape our journey together

As someone with an active PRO license, you’re not just part of the club – you’re the beating heart of it. Your insights and ideas can spark a wave of change.

Imagine this as our virtual suggestion box – a place where your creativity takes center stage. Got a feature in mind that you think would be a game-changer? We’re all ears! And don’t forget to give a nod to your fellow users’ brainwaves by voting for their suggestions too.

Your Wishlist, Our Mission

Now, let’s have a heart-to-heart. While I can’t promise to turn every wish into reality, I’m rolling up my digital sleeves to make magic happen. Your experience matters, and I’m here to weave your feature dreams into our digital tapestry.

So, dive right in, dream aloud, and let’s craft an experience that’s as unique as you are. 

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